Cream Glatte for extra dry skin, we introduced the world's most famous experts in thermal treatment

In October 2015 in the Alpine resort of Levico Terme held the annual meeting of the Governing Council of the World Organization of the thermal treatment (balneotherapy).

The representater of organization in the Czech Republic - Vladimir Sokolinsky, MSc, showed for colleagues samples of the foam-cream for very dry skin Glatte in the some weeks before the official start of sales in Europe.

This was particularly important for Glatte, because they come to the meeting representatives of various legendary resorts: from Spain, Slovenia, Italy and other European countries, China, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia.

We hope that in the future Glatte brand will not only be successful in the market of modern cosmetic products for a healthy lifestyle, but also will help to familiarize with the capabilities and products of Czech spas specialists from different countries.

For information:

OMTH is one of the most authoritative organizations influencing policy in the sphere of treatment at the spa resorts.

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