How to get rid of the problem of dry skin

Philosophy of Glatte - to return the skin to its natural state. Glatt does not act on the symptoms include inflammation, itching, husk. Cream with carbamid affects the cause. It takes care of dry skin of hands, feet, body, dry skin on the elbows. With Glatte your skin is always like a baby!
Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about how to get rid of dry skin with a cream-foam Glatte
Glatte system includes three types of cream foam - Glatte Body 5%, Glatte Daily 10%, and Glatte Extra Strong 15%. It is very comfortable. We give a very detailed description of the actions of each cream online and you can choose the option that best suits you.

You just have dry skin due to hot weather or dry skin causes dermatitis, cracked hands on physical activity or exposure to chemicals, and can form blisters on their feet?

Glatte is designed for men and women, the very young and not having problems with the skin and simply for those who look after themselves. It's comfortable! Glatte is always ready to help!

Creams of series Glatte contents different percentage of carbamid, and includs a variety of natural substances, increase the level of the natural moisturizing factor of the skin (NMF), improving skin condition and regeneration of skin cells, making the skin softer.
Creams can be used one after the other or jointly.

So! You can choose now your Glatte or learn more about the benefits of the system for the care of dry skin.

Why Glatt you will be useful for dry skin?

At the pharmacy and cosmetics store, you can find a lot of different tools that are designed for dry skin. This may be the drug and non-drug and cosmetic products.

Cosmetic cream foam Glatte has important features, which give you the benefits of:

How care your skin the main components of Glatte?

Full details of the composition:
Glatte Body 5%
Glatte Daily 10%
Glatte Extra Strong 15%

1. Carbamid - effective and has no side effects proved substance which hydration of the skin in several times. It has low allergenicity and contained normaly in humans body. In the "efficiency" you will find as much information about the use of carbamid and see that it is - probably the best at the moment means to moisturize the skin. And as result of moisture is possible to increased manifestations of dry skin: discomfort, itching, tendency to inflammation. The skin becomes soft and looks much younger.

2. Rich vegetable oils - restores hydrolipid film on the surface of the epidermis. As a cream: shea butter and avocado oil (persea gratissima)

3. Vegetable Glycerin - retains water in the epidermis. Glycerin is a natural substance and is part of the natural moisturizing factor of the skin. One of the most famous components for skin moisturization.

4. Lactic acid - one of the most valuable fruit acids. It is suitable for all skin types. First of all, it retains moisture, and it is properly redistributed towards the deep, "live" layers of the skin.
Lactic acid also contributes to the development of ceramides, which increase the protective properties of the skin against external irritants: chemical and microbial damage. Lactic acid also stimulates the fibroblasts, which due to increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid. This leads to an improvement in its elasticity and wrinkles. Finally, the well known effect of lactic acid act as peeling - cleans the skin from "dead cells"

How can you combine cream foam Glatt in different cases?

Dry and cracked skin on hands and both dry and hard skin on your feet

For hands, use Glatt body of 5% once a day on clean skin moist. Simply apply cream foam and let it soak.
In those days to stop using Glatt very strong 15% twice daily on clean skin moist. Actively massage your area with very dry skin. If you do not have problems with diabetes, use and devices for soft peeling.
If you have diabetes, follow your doctor's recommendations or foot specialists.

Atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, and both dry and hard skin on your feet

For areas on the body where the skin shows signs of dermatitis or psoriasis use twice daily Glatt Daily 10%. Simply apply cream foam and let it soak.
In those days to stop using Glatt very strong 15% twice daily on clean skin moist. Actively massage your area with very dry skin. If you do not have problems with diabetes, use and devices for soft peeling.
If you have diabetes, follow your doctor's recommendations or foot specialists.

Perfect care on holiday or after the pool

The water, as it may seem very dry skin, especially if it is added chlorine. Always take a Glatt body of 5% and use it after a shower once a day. This will protect the skin from dryness and loss of tone. It will look younger.
Upon contact with the sand and water as much dry skin feet. Do not forget to use Glatt body of 5% and on foot.
More Glatt body of 5% is great for skin care legs after depilation.
And before the release of the feet provide excellent appearance using Glatt very strong 15%. Caution, you will be jealous! Do not tell anyone that spent only 14 euros for a luxury foot care for 2 months.

With the improvement of the skin change the cream

You can start with the foot care Glatte very strong 15%. But the maximum one month the skin becomes softer and more supple. It's time to move on Glatte Daily 10% (if the skin is very dry before or have diabetes) or even on the body of Glatte 5%

Especial packaging of Glatte for for your pleasure

This is the case when the package cream gives you a degree of convenience and safety. Glatte is easy to see on a shelf in a pharmacy or in a store cosmetics. It is beautiful and unusual.But the main thing: the balloon Glatte is designed specifically to preserve its properties during the entire shelf life without the use of preservative.Hands are not sterile. The air is also a lot of germs. And many cream quickly become contaminated, even if you wash your hands every time before using the cream. Therefore, manufacturers and add preservatives in their products. But for Glatte is not required! The bacteria can not penetrate into the Glatte. The cream contained in the pack under pressure. This is guaranteed by the German manufacturer. But we also check microbiological purity cream is also known laboratory of Dr. Shotoly in the beautiful Czech town Kromnerzhish (included in the UNESCO list).

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